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Engendering Early Childhood Development in India
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Engendering Early Childhood Development in India

21 August 2023

Divya Singh

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Why do women depend less on informal sources for job search than men?
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Why do women depend less on informal sources for job search than men?

20 June 2023

Bidisha Mondal

The latest PLFS round reveals that job search methods differ between men and women with women relying more on formal...
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Need for Evidence on Skilling in India
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Need for Evidence on Skilling in India

05 May 2023

Prakriti Sharma

In recent years, India’s demographic dividend has sparked scrupulous policy actions to increase its labour force participation. With India having...
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Safe mobility: A way to empower women
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Safe mobility: A way to empower women

17 March 2023

Suchika Gupta

Gender-aware transport systems, key to women’s economic empowerment A country's progress is defined not just by economic growth, but also...
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Intimate Partner Violence in India: Alarming Trends and Accountability measures
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Intimate Partner Violence in India: Alarming Trends and Accountability measures

10 January 2023

Aparna G

Ending all forms of violence against women was recognized as one of the twelve critical areas of concern by the...
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