Surabhi Awasthi
Research Manager
Surabhi Awasthi is a Research Manager at IWWAGE, and is currently working with the Strengthening Women’s Institutions for Agency and Empowerment (SWAYAM) for the National Rural Livelihood Mission. She has previously worked with the National Human RightsCommission as a consultant providing research support in the policy and research division on theissues related to women and children. Before joining Iwwage, she led the research team for theGeography of Philosophy Project based at IIT, Delhi, and headquartered at the University ofPittsburgh (USA). She is a trained qualitative researcher with experience in narrative inquiry andethnography; her research interests include gender, labor, and changing family institutions.Surabhi holds an M.Phil. in Social Work from the University of Delhi, where she was awarded aJunior Research Fellowship from the University Grants Commission, India. Through her work,she aims to bridge the gap between academia and practical policy goals, particularly related tofurthering women’s equality in India through education and welfare policy.In her free time Surabhi enjoys cooking and researching about food history and food science, andspend time with her cats.