Opportunities for Transformative Financing for Women and Girls
January, 2021
This paper draws on a pre-budget consultation hosted by IWWAGE and The Quantum Hub (TQH) on 1 October 2020, ‘Transformative financing for Gender Equality in a COVID-19 context’ to inform the Union Budget 2021-22. The aim of the consultation was to identify and amplify the needs of millions of women and girls whose lives have been disrupted and severely affected because of the pandemic, but also account for the disadvantages and inequities that existed even before COVID-19. IWWAGE invited experts1 from academia, civil society, NGOs, and donor bodies, who have been actively advocating for transformative financing for gender equality in India. These experts shared their insights from current and past experiences to shape an actionable agenda to improve the lives of women and girls in the current context. IWWAGE, like some of the experts invited for the consultation, is part of the Broad-Based Committee on Gender Budgeting and Analysis that has been set up by the Ministry for Women and Child Development (MWCD). We used this opportunity to provide suggestions to support the gender responsive budgeting efforts of MWCD and that of other relevant ministries, and also shared these with the Ministry of Finance in response to their request for ideas for Union Budget 2021-22. We also aim to share insights from this consultation among key decision makers, relevant line ministries and departments, and to a wider audience engaged in shaping the agenda on advancing gender equality and women’s economic empowerment in India. This paper has been jointly developed by The Quantum Hub (TQH) and IWWAGE.
Resource Type Learning note
Topics Gender, childcare, SHGs, digitisation ,