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About Gender Samvaad

With over 60 million women mobilised to be part of one of India’s largest livelihoods programme, the Deendayal Antayodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) holds great promise for advancing women’s socio-economic empowerment by organising them into self-help groups (SHGs) and federations of the rural poor. Not only are these platforms facili tating financial opportunities and livelihood support services for women, but they have also become an extended arm of governance to demand accountability from and build linkages with mainstream institutions. They also hold stories of hundreds and thousands of women – stories of hope, resilience, raising voice, getting redress, and many best practices on how institutions of poor women can help them ensure access to their rights and entitlements.


Launch of Gender Samvaad

As part of the ongoing Amrut Mahotsav to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence, Gender Samvaad was launched on April 16, 2021 with around 1400 participants including rural women, state representatives, CSOs and academia from across India. The event was attended by senior officials of the Ministry comprising Shri. Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development; Smt. Alka Upadhyaya, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development; and Joint Secretary, NRLM, Smt. Nita Kejrewal. Community resource persons, who are women SHG members from various states, were also invited to share their experience of overcoming several barriers to improve their lives and livelihoods. The theme for the inaugural session was "Gender Transformative Rural Livelihoods". 


Watch out this space for more!
Fourth Gender Samvaad

The theme of this event was significance of community based strategies for addressing Gender-Based Violence under DAY-NRLM

Third Gender Samvaad

Organized to highlight issues around food & nutrition security and initiatives undertaken by the SRLMs and SHG members

Gender Samvaad, Fourth dialogue, September 22, 2023

The fourth Gender Samvaad was co-organized by Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), Ministry of Rural Developmen and Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE) on September 22nd 2023. The virtual event brought together over 8000 participants, including senior officials MoRD, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of Bihar and state government officials, practitioners, gender experts, academia, civil society actors, and members of self-help groups.

Gender Samvaad, is a unique, joint attempt between DAY-NRLM and IWWAGE to establish a shared platform to generate awareness on DAY-NRLM’s gender interventions across the country, with a focus on hearing voices from the states and of SHG members. 

In his keynote address, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Shri Charanjit Singh expressed concerns over the statistics on gender based violence and emphasised on the role that community based institutions can play in addressing this issue. He also stressed on inter-ministerial convergence to address Gender Based Violence, especially with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Ministry of Education for awareness generation and sensitisation.

Joint Secretary, DAY-NRLM, Smt. Smriti Sharan highlighted the extensive efforts undertaken by DAY-NRLM in empowering women and creating model institutions to address women’s issues in rural areas particularly through the platform of Gender Resource Centre.

Community resource persons (CRP) from various states including Jharkhand, Kerala and Odisha were invited to share their experience of institutional strategies adopted to address gender based violence. Smt Rajani Dandasena from Odisha shared the experience of the functioning of the Prerna Kendra (Gender Resource centres) at Gram Panchayat level. The Prerna Kendras have established strong linkages with other departments through Gender Forum and have been able to address cases of Violence. The Gender Campaign launched in November 2022 has also led to widespread awareness on GBV and demanding public action through the institutions of the women. Women shared experiences of addressing issues like witch hunting, drug abuse, sexual violence, etc.

Smt. Mahua Roy Chaudhary from Jeevika, Government of Bihar highlighted the importance of gender training, learning pedagogies and use of IEC materials leading to creation of gender responsive institutions particularly Didi Adhikar kendras for addressing violence that is deep rooted in patriarchy and social norms. She also emphasized the political empowerment of women as ward members and mukhiyas in the state. She emphasized the importance of sustainability of these institutions in continuing delivering women’ s empowerment.

A panel discussion followed which included Joint Secretary from Ministry of Women and Child Development, Gender Expert and Women’s rights lawyer to emphasise the importance of  SRLM and system related opportunities like legal  remedies including fast track courts, horizontal and vertical gender training across different stakeholders and  inter-ministerial convergence adopting multi-pronged strategies to address GBV.   The panel discussed innovative financing for sustainability, safe spaces for women like Shakti Sadan and short stay homes, strengthening data driven governance and economic agency of women. The conversation laid out the scope of convergence between Naari Adalats under Mission Shakti with Gender Resource Centres under DAY-NRLM.  The Samvaad 2023 ended with the need to come together to address the core issues of women through focus on preventive measures, convergence and innovative and local approaches of problem solving.


Gender Samvaad, Third dialogue, March 11, 2022

Background: Gender Samvaad is a national virtual platform of DAY-NRLM used to generate greater awareness on DAY-NRLM’s interventions across the country. It is also an opportunity to share and learn best practices amongst the States Rural Livelihoods Missions and hear voices from SRLM cadres and SHG women. Two such events have been held earlier on 16 April 2021 and 2nd July 2021. The third Gender Samvaad event was organized to highlight issues around food & nutrition security and initiatives undertaken by the State Rural Livelihoods Missions and SHG members for the same. The United Nations standing committee on nutrition defines food and nutrition security as:

"Food and nutrition security exists when all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to food, which is consumed in sufficient quantity and quality to meet their dietary needs and food preferences, and is supported by an environment of adequate sanitation, health services and care, allowing for a healthy and active life." Food Security has 4 dimensions: Availability, Access, Utilization and Stability of food while Nutrition Security includes the additional dimensions of Care and feeding practices and Health and Sanitation.

Integrating FNHW within DAY-NRLM: In 2019, the DAY-NRLM adopted a ‘Dashasutra’ strategy for SRLMs, under which Food Security, Nutrition, Health and WASH (FNHW) and Gender are included as essential components needed to bring about social development. This inclusion of FNHW demonstrates the commitment of DAY-NRLM to contribute to overall improvement in health and nutrition of the community. Provision of food and nutrition security is an essential part of the FNHW strategy. To ensure the four dimensions of food security, i.e. Availability, Access, Utilization and Stability of food, DAY-NRLM envisages the following approaches, (1) establishment of nutrition garden and home consumption of produce of nutrition gardens by SHG families (2) increase in access of SHG households to Take Home Rations (THR) under ICDS (3) Promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture, (4) Improved coverage of SHG households under Public Distribution System (PDS) and (5) Addressing gender issues related to consumption of food. The effective operationalization of these approaches can be achieved through inter-departmental convergence between DAY-NRLM and M/oWCD, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Public Distribution and intra-departmental convergence between FNHW and Farm Livelihoods verticals.

FNHW through a gender lens: In India, an effort for health and nutrition cannot reach fruition if certain critical issues are not addressed. Evidence demonstrates that, equitable distribution of food within the family is not achieved without addressing the GENDER NORMS. The common practice of women eating last, least and leftovers inhibits women from reaching their optimum nutritional potential, even if there is availability of adequate food in the home. Decisions on procurement of food products and their distribution within the family are also often taken by the head of the household who are mostly men, keeping members like women, young children and elderly at the fringes within the home.  With this in mind, DAY-NRLM incorporates a gender lens while designing interventions around all aspects of social development. This gender intentional approach is being used in efforts for food and nutrition security as well. 

Institutional partnerships to strengthen FNHW interventions for better gender outcomes 

i) Promoting convergence between Farm Livelihood and FNHW of DAY-NRLM, MoRD for establishment and utilization of nutrition gardens by SHG families: The Ministry of Rural Development has been undertaking several steps to enhance promotion of nutrition gardens at household, community, Anganwadi and panchayat land across the country through DAY-NRLM and MGNREGA. A detailed Advisory was shared with SRLMs by the Farm Livelihoods (FL) vertical of DAY-NRLM to establish nutrition gardens, in May 2019. This was further supplemented by including work done for developing nutrition garden under the ambit of MGNREGA through a DO letter in August 2020. Additional thrust was given to this effort during the Poshan Maah, 2020, when the MoPR, MoRD and MoWCD issued a Joint Directive to all State Chief Secretaries to conduct a month-long drive to plant nutrition garden to enhance Food Security. As a result of these concerted efforts, 77.89 lakh Agri-Nutrition Gardens have been promoted across the SRLMs till December, 2021.

Evidence suggests that the mere presence of a nutrition garden at home does not translate into equitable gender norms for improved dietary diversity. There is a gap between having access to food and actually consuming it. Hence, along-side growing food, families also need to be counseled to include the produce of nutrition garden in their daily diet. Under FNHW component of DAY-NRLM, awareness sessions on diet diversity have been initiated through monthly discussion in SHG meetings and counseling the families through community-based events, home visits, village events etc. Some SRLMs have progressed in this regard, and Gender Samvaad could be an appropriate forum to share their experience with other SRLMs. Also the message of combining nutrition garden establishment with Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) to emphasize the importance of planting nutrition gardens and supplementing it with counseling for behavior change so that each family consumes the produce of the garden, thereby improving diversity in their diet and moving a step further towards reaching a state of Nutritional security can be reiterated. Such dialogue will also enhance the opportunity of convergence within DAY-NRLM verticals and concerned departments.

ii) Promoting convergence between MoRD and MoWCD to improve access of SHG women to Take Home Rations (THR) and other services: The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD) launched the ICDS program on 2nd Oct 1975 and it remains one of the critical pillars for provision of food in the form of Take Home Rations (THR) and fresh cooked meals for pregnant and lactating women, children below 6 years of age and adolescent girls (under the SAG scheme). Under DAY-NRLM, SHG family with pregnant and lactating women, children below 6 years and adolescent girls are encouraged to avail the THR services from the local Anganwadi Center. A few SRLMs have collaborated with DoWCD for engaging SHGs producing and providing THR to Anganwadi Center.

iii) Promoting convergence between M/oRD and Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural practices/cropping patterns also play a significant role in the access to foods for a community, which impacts their dietary pattern. Despite producing large quantities of nutrient-rich crops such as Rice, Pulses, Millets etc, India harbours one-third of the world’s stunted children. Evidence suggests that a move towards cultivation of nutrient-rich indigenous food crops such as Jowar, Bajra and other millets and diversification of crops can benefit the nutrition status of the local community. Women empowerment through Agricultural initiatives also has an important role to play in improving overall nutritional status.

iv) Convergence between MoRD and Department of Food and Civil Supplies for improved coverage of SHG households under Public Distribution System (PDS): Similarly, the Public Distribution System (PDS) plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net by distributing essentials at a subsidized rate. With a network of more than 400,000 Fair Price Shops (FPS), the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India is perhaps the largest distribution machinery of its type in the world reaching 80 crore persons in the FY 2020-21. Under DAY-NRLM, linking of SHG members with entitlements and services are encouraged including access to subsidized food and other household materials under the PDS. 

Objectives of 3rd Gender Samvaad: 

  1. To inform participants about the benefits of nutrition-sensitive agriculture and nutrition garden in supplementing availability of diverse food groups at household level;
  2. To reinforce the significance of gender sensitive approaches while conveying nutrition messages to promote equity among men and women in consumption of food at home;
  3. Experience sharing between SRLMs on various learning and challenges faced during the implementation.


Gender Samvaad, Second dialogue, July 2, 2021

The second Gender Samvaad was held on July 2, 2021 on the topic :Ensuring an inclusive response and recovery from COVID:Best practices from SRLMs. The event focused on the challenges posed by the second wave of the pandemic and the extent to which States have been able to respond to these by leveraging the collective potential and solidarity of women’s groups. The dialogue showcased best practices from the states in responding to the emerging needs ranging from access to health and other services, information related to COVID-19, access to food, and opportunities for work. The online event brought together the voices of state rural livelihood mission officials together with those of women affected by the pandemic. The focus states in the second dialogue were Bihar, Kerala and Meghalaya, talking about how they have been ensuring food security for communities and access to health information across all age groups. The second dialogue was attended by more than 2400 participants form across the states.

Smt. Aparajita Sarangi, Member of Parliament; Shri. Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary MoRD; Smt. Alka Upadhyaya, Additional Secretary; Smt. Nita Kejrewal, Joint Secretary from MoRD were present in the second edition of the Gender Samvaad. Senior officials from the States inlcuded Shri. Balamurugan D, CEO cum State Mission Director, Jeevika, Secretary RD, Govt. of Bihar; Shri. S. Harikishore, Executive Director, Kudumbashree, Govt. of Kerala; and Shri. P. Sampath Kumar, Principal Secretary, Govt. of Meghalaya, C&RD Dept. Health and Social Welfare Dept. Senior officers from the three States shared their insights and experiences on the response and recovery mechansim establihed by the States using the NRLM social capital. The event also brought voices from the field, and experience sharing from women Community Resource Persons who spoke about the problems faced by their families, coping mechanisms adapted, the role their groups have played during the pandemic, the duties performed at the village level and preparedness for future challenges. View the recoding here.


Launch of Gender Samvaad, April 16, 2021

As part of the ongoing Amrut Mahotsav to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence, Gender Samvaad was launched on April 16, 2021 with around 1400 participants including rural women, state representatives, CSOs and academia from across India. The event was attended by senior officials of the Ministry comprising Shri. Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development; Smt. Alka Upadhyaya, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development; and Joint Secretary, NRLM, Smt. Nita Kejrewal. Community resource persons, who are women SHG members from various states, were also invited to share their experience of overcoming several barriers to improve their lives and livelihoods. The theme for the inaugural session was "Gender Transformative Rural Livelihoods".

During the launch event, a compendium of case studies “Stories of Resilience and Hope” documenting good practices and stories of resilience and transformative changes among SHG women shared by various State Rural Livelihoods Missions, was launched at the event by the Secretary, Rural Development. The stories narrate systemic processes adopted to strengthen women’s groups in developing strong collectives as well as individual identities. A short film was launched by the Joint Secretary, NRLM, Smt. Nita Kejrewal, showcasing IWWAGE’s support for operationalising NRLM’s gender strategy and the various pilot interventions underway to set up institutional platforms for rural women to access justice, information, rights and entitlements. Three States- Andhra pradesh, Jharkhand and Kerala presented during the inaugural session which narrated collective struggles of women's access to livelihoods opportunities by challenging the social norms and emerge as chamipons levraging the SHG platform. This was followed by a panel discussion that included leading gender and livelihoods experts to emphasise the importance of improving women’s livelihoods, their agency, and their understanding of their rights and entitlements. The panel comprised Dr. Lakshmi Lingam, Dean, School of Media and Cultural Studies, TISS; Ms. Sejal Dand, Director and Founder Member, ANANDI; and Dr. Renu Golwalkar, Global Director, Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion, Engender Health. The session was moderated by Soumya Kapoor Mehta, Head IWWAGE. Click here for the recording.



To ensure continuous engagement of the varied stakeholders in creating greater awareness on NRLM interventions at the cutting edge level the digital platform on Gender Samvaad has been proposed. The platform will be a dynamic conduit between range of stakeholders like Government, academia, gender specialists and civil society organisations to continuously react on the issues at the grass root level and elicit ways and means to address them. The questions below are collated from the “Chat” window on Gender Samvaad page, with response to varied queries ranging from livelihoods, access and control on resources, violence, early marriage, children retention in schools, financial inclusion etc. We look forward to your queries and will respond to it at the earliest.

Watch out this space for reply!

Let’s make a nice big leafy tree. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Let’s put some happy little clouds in our world. We don’t really know where this goes – and I’m not sure we really care. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around.

Posted on 11th of September 2023

Let’s make a nice big leafy tree. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Let’s put some happy little clouds in our world. We don’t really know where this goes – and I’m not sure we really care. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around.

Posted on 11th of September 2023

Let’s make a nice big leafy tree. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Let’s put some happy little clouds in our world. We don’t really know where this goes – and I’m not sure we really care. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around.

Posted on 09th of September 2023

Let’s make a nice big leafy tree. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Let’s put some happy little clouds in our world. We don’t really know where this goes – and I’m not sure we really care. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around.

Posted on 08th of September 2023