Labour Force Participation in India
Regional Consultation on Female Labour Force Participation in India
Organised by National Commission for Women in collaboration with V.V.Giri National Labour Institute
March 6, 2020
The National Commission for Women in collaboration with the V. V. Giri National Labour Institute has proposed to conduct five regional consultations on matters relating to working women, especially those in the unorganised sector to understand the factors affecting female labour force participation. The regional consultations will be held in Cuttack, Guwahati, Bengaluru, Gandhinagar and Delhi in collaboration with respective National Law Universities (NLUs). The Cuttak consultation was held on March 6, 2020.
The regional consultations will be deliberating on issues related to women’s participation in the labour market and the constraints which women face to continue in paid employment. There would be an attempt to understand the relationship between female labour force participation (FLFP) with informality, unpaid care work, gender-based violence including workplace harassment, marriage, socio-cultural norms, social protection, labour regulations etc. The consultations will also bring to light a range of factors with a focus on region specific factors affecting women’s paid work and highlight on the necessary policy interventions/action plans that need to undertake at a regional level for addressing the issues related to declining female labour force participation. This would be a platform for sharing of good practices and experiences addressing FLFP. The regional consultation will be bringing together experts and practitioners working on gender and labour issues including scholars from the academia, government (Ministries concerned), State Commissions on Women, international organizations, and other organisations.