IWWAGE-Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality
gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022
The Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE) at LEAD, organized two panel discussions as a part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022, on May 30th and June 01st respectively. Convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEl), gLOCAL is a dedicated week for global knowledge and experience sharing.
Measuring women’s labour force participation – the way forward, May 30th
Women face several barriers to participate in the economy that pertains to burden of unpaid care work and the resultant time poverty, lack of adequate skills and knowledge as well as lack of opportunities. The Indian official LFS exclude certain categories of the population from its definition of the labour force on the basis of the activities performed by them. The session was led by Parushya (Research Manager, IWWAGE) and Kartikeya Bhatotia (Research Associate, LEAD at Krea University).
The measurement of women’s employment routinely ignores measuring and capturing these activities. The session focused on these measurement issues and innovative mechanisms to build into the existing LFS to better capture women’s’ routine work.
Challenges, learnings and adaptations: innovative methods to learn from programs, June 01st
The Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM) initiated a two-year Gender Justice Program (GJP) in collaboration with ANANDI aimed to integrate gender within MPSRLM’s institutions to advance rural women’s rights and entitlements. As a knowledge partner, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) documented the program processes and learnings using qualitative primary research. The panellists were Nilanjana Sengupta (Associate Professor, Azim Premji University), Radhika Uppal (Technical Specialist, ICRW), and Kaliat Ammu Sanyal (Senior Research Manager, IWWAGE).
In this session, the audience learned about the key adaptations that had to be made to ensure that the research methods yielded data that helped in getting in-depth insights. During this session, the panellists shared what worked and what else could be done to strengthen the program on the basis of their experience.