Who We Are
Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE) aims to build on existing research and generate new evidence to inform and facilitate the agenda of women’s economic empowerment. IWWAGE is an initiative of LEAD, an action-oriented research centre of IFMR Society (a not for profit society registered under the Societies Act). LEAD has strategic oversight and brand support from Krea University (sponsored by IFMR Society) to enable synergies between academia and the research centre. IWWAGE is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Lack of economic empowerment of women deters achievement of gender equality and inclusive growth. IWWAGE uses an action-oriented approach to address this challenge. We attempt to shift the evidence base from “How” to “What Works” to improve women’s participation in economic activities by addressing barriers to women’s work, facilitating women’s access to decent work, economic resources, and leveraging the transformative potential of women’s empowerment collectives.
What IWWAGE wants to achieve
- Women have equal, inclusive and sustainable access to economic opportunities
- Workplace policies for gender equal labour markets
- Public infrastructure enabling women and girls to access and participate in the labour force
- Households and communities are sensitised to gender norms and participate and redistribute domestic and care work
Our approach

Deepening Evidence
Generate evidence through ground research to address barriers and quality of women’s work at the household, community, and state level

Testing Solutions
Establish strategic partnerships for evaluating programme effectiveness to provide cost-effective, scalable solutions

Advocacy and Communications
Engage and collaborate with policymakers, researchers, CSOs and private sector players for promoting the uptake and use of findings and recommendations